First MSP
“First in Rider Safety Training – Motorcycle Safety Program,” is a participant in the New York State Motorcycle Safety Program through its contract with the Motorcycle Safety Foundation.
Our Mission
FIRST MSP was formed in 2000 for the express purpose of training new and re-entering riders to ride safely and to secure their motorcycle license through the NYSMSP Road Test Waiver Program to enjoy our wonderful sport.
The Motorcycle Safety Foundation’s proven training systems have brought comprehensive and standardized rider training to more than two million participants since 1973.
Basic Rider Course
Basic Rider Course is the entry point for most riders, offering training in motorcycle familiarization, risk understanding and management, and basic riding skills including straight line riding, turning, shifting, stopping, and emergency skills in turning, swerving and stopping.
Additional Courses
Additional training opportunities offered through MSF include the Basic Rider Course 2 Skills Practice and the Basic Skills 2 License Waiver.
Contact us
FIRST MSP Coaches are all experienced motorcycle riders and rider trainers, meeting the standards of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation and the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles.
In addition to its MSF programs, FIRST MSP offers full motorcycle driving school services and is licensed by NYS DMV for these services.